

"Our main goal is to provide space facilities, equipment and a conducive environment so as to encourage learning activities, the creation of innovation and practical exploration in the various technologies provided at Makerspace @ Raja Tun Uda."

Befitting the name “Makerspace”, this space uses the concept of ‘Making’ that is, manufacturing as the basis of activities carried out. In addition to encouraging the current generation to be a ‘Makers’ and feel the joy of making and creating things in our Makerspace, this space can also foster interest so that they are more innovative and ready to face Industrial Revolution 4.0.


Become one of the platforms in producing a productive and creative society towards Selangor Smart State 2025.


Run programs based on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) and life skills.


Makerspace for Education

A place where people from diverse backgrounds gather to work collaboratively to make things in innovative ways.

Makerspace for the Library

A library extention supporting adaptive and dynamics ways of learning in the era of distruptive technologies.

Makerspace for Enterpreneurs

An integrative hub where academia-industry-community strive towards solving social problems by working on impactful programs.

Makerspace for Community

An integrative hub where academia-industry-community strive towards solving social problems by working on impactful programs.

School Holiday Program Activities

Program Cuti Sekolah
Antara kursus-kursus Makerpace yang ditawarkan pada setiap program cuti sekolah adalah
Jom Pra-Pendaftaran
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Facilities & Equipment

3D Printers

    • Ultimaker S3
    • Ultimaker 3
    • Creality Ender Pro 3

    Other facilities

    • Robotics (Roboseries)
    • Arduino sets
    • D.I.Y drones (mini sets)


    Reference Sources

    Makerspace Playbook School Edition
    Youth Makerspace Playbook
    Meaningful Making